Included in the Package Start Wonosobo and Dieng
- Transport Fleet to pick and drive around locations Destinations in Dieng + Professional local driver and get to know the area Location)
- Admission respectively Destinations listed in the list of visits and the cost of parking (inside include insurance)
- Lodging in Dieng (Homestay)
- Local Tour Guide
- Consumption 3 X
Tourism Object Dieng visited:
- Telaga Warna
- Telaga Pengilon
- Kawah Sikidang
- Goa Semar
- Goa Sumur
- Goa Jaran
- Museum Kailasa
- Batu Semar
- Tuk Bimalukar
- Pusat Oleh-oleh Trisakti
- Sunrise di Bukit Sikunir
Booking and Info Package Details start Dieng and Wonosobo, As well as the latest prices, Contact Us